Square US ES Campaign Próximo Paso
Animation & Production 
Figma, Photoshop & After Effects
This campaign is all about how Square gives Sellers the tools and confidence they need to take their next step. Big or Small. We want sellers to think of us when thinking of their next steps. 
Connected TV, OOH, and Meta Social media ads were created for the campaign. ​​​​​​​
Connected TV
Drive awareness and emotional resonance on Square within high indexing, in-language programming.
Restaurant (0:15)
TV Script translation
VO: The look on Gloria’s face says that something big
is coming. Tell us, Gloria. What’s your next step?
Gloria: It’s time to sell our desserts online.
VO: Let’s go Gloria! We’ve got this!
End Card + VO: “For your next step. Square.”
Music Shop (0:15)
TV Script translation
VO: Jorge is about to decide that it's time to open his second location. Is it going to be a 'yes', my George?
[Jorge emphatically nods]
VO: Alright! Sounds like it's going to be a big success.
End Card + VO: “For your next step. Square.”
Group Creative Director: Sean Conroy
Creative Director: Said Fayad
Lead Designer: Fin Wang
Motion Designer: Steven Dupre
Designer: Mindy Yuan
Copywriter: Edgar Costa, Susana Hernández
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